Turning the tide of violence


Thank you to our generous donors at TECT!

In March 2025 we were fortunate to receive a grant of $55,000 for our work with our community. We are grateful to TECT for their support, and for the ability to continue to grow our services, to meet the demand in our city, and our region. Thank you. He mihi nunui ki a koutou katoa!

Nau mai, haere mai.

Greetings from our Chief Executive Officer

Dr Moana Tane

Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Master of Public Health (First Class Honours) Doctor of Philosophy


It all started when…

40 years ago, five men decided that they wanted to halt the tide of violence that they saw sweeping their community, here in Tauranga Moana. They decided to dedicate, on a weekly basis, a proportion of their own income to support counselling and support for men, who were using violence against their intimate partners and/or families. That is how we started…

We now have a team of 15 staff, including registered counsellors, registered social workers and programme case workers, bringing their expertise and knowledge to the field of specialised family violence. While we work predominantly with men, and a smaller group of women who are or have been using violence, we also support victim survivors - men, women, rangatahi (youth) and tamariki (children) who have experienced violence.

Our Men’s Behaviour Change Programme statistics places very highly in Aotearoa for programme completion, by our whaiora (clients). And we continue to offer support with group programmes for men (and the small numbers of women) who have been mandated by the Court to attend.

However, we also have places to welcome men who are self-referred - those men who identify there is a problem with their use of violence and want to find the skills to change the way that they are with their partners and families in their homes.

We want to be part of the solution in making Tauranga Moana safer for families, and to halt the use of violence wherever it is occurring throughout our region.

If you would like to support us, please feel free to reach out to me: There are many ways that you as an individual, can contribute to our work.

Mauri ora!


Our Impact

Tauranga Living Without Violence provides help to domestic abuse victims by supporting them to be safer and assisting in their recovery from the effects of the trauma they have experienced.

We also work with perpetrators of violence, encouraging them to examine and challenge their beliefs about dominant behaviour and its effects, whilst teaching them non-controlling and non-violent alternatives.

Our free programmes together with our collaboration (and advocation) with other agencies, we can effectively intervene and stop the cycle of abuse in families.



family violence programmes per week

Thanks to our amazing supporters we are able to offer our clients and their whanau support and resources at no charge.



Years Serving communities

Established in 1988 we have been proudly supporting our community for over three decades.




During 2019-20 we supported 1,609 victims and perpetrators of violence, enabling us to turn the tide of domestic abuse in the Tauranga community.


Our Supporters

If your organisation would like to become an official supporter of Tauranga Living Without Violence Trust, please give us a call to discuss how you can help.